We are road-tripping this week, and had a wonderful drive through Yellowstone National Park:
Hey wait, what??
Clio, get back in the car!!
Weather was on our side all the way, with snow on the pass as we left Tahoe, and we could see it on the mountains, with dramatic clouds, all the way up through Nevada.
At first I was stumped to find one more way to use this colorway, but I think I was just trying too hard. I decided to keep it simple, following one of my favorite patterns, which I think of as a tweed. Typically I just use a three-color repeat, but here I used a progression:
Using an odd-count repeat jogs the color placement, giving the composition some energy, and the Creem really opens it up and lightens the effect of these colors which can be a little dense when used up against each other. With that in mind, and thinking of our destination, I've called it Big Sky.

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